Let's Do a Round of 21 Questions!
Including thoughts on open relationships, our experience with religion, how we broke into social media, and how we make time for sex.
Happy Tuesday, loves.
We thought it would be fun for this week’s issue to be a Q&A, as it’s been a while since we’ve done one. Over on Instagram, we said you could ask us any questions you wanted, and y’all did not disappoint! There were so many good ones, and so many thoughtful ones, too, but we narrowed them down to just 21, and some of them are very, very juicy.
If you have any other questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below and we will answer them right here in the newsletter!
Okay, let’s get to it:
Would y’all adopt or foster more children?
This is a question we discuss all the time between the two of us. Right now, our family feels complete. We’re in such a good rhythm as a family and all of our kids are at ages where traveling is so easy and fun. We can’t imagine our family with any more or any less members in it, but…sometimes we do wonder what it would be like if Anna had a little sister or a little brother. If we were to foster again, it would be a conversation we have with our kids to make sure they’re okay with it and understand what it would mean. All that to say, never say never!
Have you ever struggled with internalized homophobia? If so, then what helped you with that?
We absolutely have, especially growing up. A few years back, we did a whole video on internalized homophobia and our experience with it. And while I would love to think that because we’re so open with our relationship and family on social media, and I’ve been out for 14 years now, I still struggle with it sometimes.
Last Halloween, we were filming a video showing our costumes in a very public place and we were dancing together as cars drove by, which meant a lot of people could see us, and I felt uncomfortable and didn’t want to do it, but PJ comforted me and we got through it. I feel shame about it now, but in the moment, I questioned whether or not we should do it at all. So it seems like it will be a life-long process of dealing with it, but that’s okay. It doesn’t mean we’re less than or bad because of it. We’re humans with very real feelings and emotions. We’ll get through it one day at a time. What helps is knowing I’m not the only one feeling like this, and we all experience it at one point or another.
How do you keep the romance/sex alive with your busy schedule?